Monday, May 5, 2008

Want to Get Started Quickly?

There is a great deal to learn about buying and selling tax deeds and tax lien certificates. But the beauty of this business is that you can learn as you earn. There are two ways to obtain tax defaulted properties.

1. Learn all you can about the area in which you want to invest. Do it on your own and research articles on the subject. Visit courthouses, talk by phone and by email to the taxing authorities. Buy or obtain free lists of delinquent properties from the Assessor, Treasurer or whoever handles the lists in that particular county or state. This can be a long drawn out process, but that is how I had to begin. Once you have the lists, submit your bids to them using the proper procedures.

2. Or, you can sign up with a program that already has everything available to you and you can begin your buys and sells immediately.

The one thing I would like to bring to your attention is that using the internet you can buy and sell tax liens or tax deeds in any state in the U.S. You are not limited to your own locality. And, really, you can make a fortune very easily buying and selling tax defaulted properties.

Let me suggest the Ultimate Guide for Buying Tax Delinquent Land and Homes -- Land for Pennies eBook

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